
Barbara Galo

Main Practice Area

Civil Law

Other Areas

Civil Law


Joined GVA in January 2015


Graduate Studies: Civil Law Innovations and their Jurisdictional Relief Instruments, Universidade Anhanguera, 2011
Bachelor of Laws, Universidade Guarulhos, 2006



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City: São Paulo

Av. Rio Branco, 85
Rio de Janeiro, RJ

Tel .: +55 (21) 3849-4400
Fax: +55 (21) 3849-4600

Email: eagvrj@eagv.com.br

Avenida Paulista, 2.064, 14º andar, Bela Vista
São Paulo, SP - CEP 01310-200

Tel .: +55 (11) 2450-7842
Email: escalasp@eagv.com.br

Tel .: +55 (11) 2450-7842

Email: eagvsp@eagv.com.br