
Jorge Hilário Gouvêa Vieira

Main Practice Area

Corporate Law

Tax Law

Other Areas

Corporate Law, Tax Law, Insurance Law and Securities Regulation


Joined GVA in January 1961.  President of CNSEG (National Confederation of  General Insurance Companies, Private Retirement and Life Insurance, Supplementary Health  Insurance and Capitalization),  2010-2013.  President of FENASEG (National Federation of Private Insurance and Capitalization Companies ),  2010-2013.  President of the State Bank of Rio de Janeiro, 1988-1990.  Secretary of Finance of the State of Rio de Janeiro, 1987 - 1990.  President of the Brazilian Reinsurance Institute, 1985-1987.  Commissioner and Chairman of the Brazilian Securities Exchange Commission, 1977-1979  and 1979-1981.  Director of Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro, 1972-1973.  Professor of Commercial Law, 1969-1976.  Member of the Brazilian Lawyers Institute.  Member of the Brazilian Association of Financial Law (affiliated to the International Fiscal Association).


Bachelor of Laws, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro, 1966


English and French



Phone: 55-21-38494403

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City: Rio de Janeiro

Av. Rio Branco, 85
Rio de Janeiro, RJ

Tel .: +55 (21) 3849-4400
Email: eagvrj@eagv.com.br

Avenida Paulista, 2.064, 14º andar, Bela Vista
São Paulo, SP - CEP 01310-200

Tel .: +55 (11) 2450-7842
Email: escalasp@eagv.com.br

Tel .: +55 (11) 2450-7842

Email: eagvsp@eagv.com.br